A site- specific performance commissioned by The La Jolla Playhouse for the inaugural 2014 WOW Festival. Twist created a fantasy that emerged from the Pacific ocean and appeared at the water’s edge; epic and intimate, a tale spun around the mythic birth of Aphrodite, goddess of beauty love and desire. Japanese master musician Yumiko Tanaka’s created a live soundscape that summoned the ocean creature to the audience gathered on the sands of La Jolla Shores for this one of a kind event. A performance that invited the audience, public, surfers and those who happen to stumble upon this unfolding ocean event, to dream awake collectively before they return from whence they came.
production Credits
Directed & Designed by Basil Twist
World Premiere Performances 2014
LaJolla Shores, San Diego
Soundscape created and performed by Yumiko Tanaka, Performers- Basil Twist, Jessica Scott, Kate Brehm, David Ojala with Michael Schwartz, Elijah Rubottom, Jenna Ann Mac Gillis, Kevin Six, Amy Lisewski and Michael Nieto, Choreographic consultant Julie Atlas Muz, Fight consultant Rick Sordelet, Photo credits: Steve Eilenberg & Marie Tartar